Please let me know which items you'd like to buy and I will combine shipping for you. Shipping: Item will be carefully packed with a cardboard backing and sealed in a poly bag.International shipping as listed. Please click on my eBay username and then 'Seller's other listings' to see all of my other service manuals. Tech's notes are occasionally written inside the manual, they are usually helpful hints and tips or prices / etc.Searching for a different manual?I'm currently in the process of listing a collection of 14,000 manuals.

There may be some wear & tear since most of these are decades old. An original service manual usually pays for itself within the first few hours of working on your equipment!Condition:This is an ORIGINAL PHYSICAL DOCUMENT, not a photocopy, reprint or digital version. Original manuals often contain large fold-out schematics. NOTE To view PDF files the latest version of the official acrobat reader is required.Why get an Original service/owners manual?-Professional offset printing means u ltra-sharp and easily readable text and graphics. If you have additional documentation please consider donating a copy to our free archive. Please login or register a free account in the forum to download files In our view, the results were well worth the effort - $189.50 Stereo Review 1971 Downloads Garrard's Zero 100, in basic performance, easily ranks with the finest automatic turntables on the market. Database contains 1 Garrard ZERO 100S Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Service manual. Power supply frequency: 50 or 60Hz depending on pulley and stroboscope fitted Review Turntable Garrard ZERO 100S Garrard ZERO 100S Manuals & User Guides User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Garrard ZERO 100S Turntable. Power supply: 110/125V or 110/120V and 220/240V depending on motor coil windings Tonearm: head pivots laterally as it tracks a record Motor: 4-pole induction for starting with synchronous section for constant running speed In addition to manual operation the Zero 100 will automatically play single 7", 10" and 12" records, or a stack of up to seven 12" records - adaptors are available to play records with large centre holes and to play a stack of 7" records. The Garrard Zero 100 is a superb two-speed transcription turntable with such special features as:Īn ingenious tonearm virtually without tracking error (patent applied for) with damped cueing action.Ī magnetic tonearm anti-skating system (patent applied for).Ī motor with the advantages of both induction and synchronous motors (patent applied for).Ī record speed and pitch control system with built in stroboscopic checking.Ī tilting device to set the cartridge at a 15 degree tracking angle.